Parks & Playgrounds_December 1956 to December 1961PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS . 56
Book Page
Councilman Richard urges acquisition
of oceanfront property from 75th St. to
City limit through condemnation or purchase,
for park purposes. Effort to hold hearing
fails. No action.
12-5-56 39
Council grants use of 10 acres of Ojus
dump property to Optimists Club of
Ives Estate for ball park and recreation
area for young folks 5-6-59 42 64
Suggestion made that singers use/Auiā¬oprium
when it is not in use. Suggestion made that
Council look into possibility of providing
some type of enclosure at street ends for
sings Council to attempt to do whatever
possible and reasonable. 6-21-61 44 108
Book Page
Mayor Powell to appoint a committee
to seek a site for another beach area
in the northern end of the City.
Councilman Richard volunteers.
9-7-60 43 222
Mayor Powell appoints Councilmen Frank,
Richard and Oka to serve on a Site -Seeking
Committee for new public beach in northern
end of City. 2-1-61 43 474
North Shore Div. of M.B. C of C asks
Council to favorably consider block on
Collins Ave. from 75th to 76th Streets as
site for new oceanfront park. Action
deferred until Dec. 6, 1961.
11-15-61 44 286
Book Page
Discussion re. North Beach Park site.
Letter read from North Shore Div. of
M. B. C of C asking for block between
75th to 76th Streets from Collins Ave.
to ocean as site for new park, also
suggesting boardwalk from 72nd St. to
76th St. and eventually northward. (funds
from bond issue could not be used for a
boardwalk). Site Committee recommends
acquisition of property between Collins Ave.
and the Ocean, from 79th to 80th Streets
for oceanfront park. Res. #10662 -u hor-
izing condemnation proceedings to acquire
all of Block 4 and all of Block 13, Altos
del Mar No 1. City Mgr. to continue study
of boardwalk from 72 to 75th St.
12-20-61 44 31E