Parks & Playgrounds_January 1962 to December 1965PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 59
Book Page
Res. #10682 repealing Res. No. 10662
passed and adopted on 12/20/61 re.
condemnation of Blks 4 and 13,
Altos del Mar #1. 1-3-62 44 345
Res. #10683 directing Mr. Wanick and
Mr. Shepard to institute condemnation
proceedings for acquisition of Blks 4
and 13, Altos del Mar No. 1 for public
park purposes. (property between 79th
and 80th Streets, from Collins Ave. to
Ocean) 1-3-62 44 345
Book Page
Resolutions #10697, 10698, 10699,
10700 and 10701 authorizing purchase
property for park purposes. Appropriation
of $525,000 from Ocean Front Park Bond
funds. (Lots 1,2,3,4,5 & 6, Blk 4;
Lots 3,4,5 & 6, Blk 13, Altos del Mar #1)
1-3-62 44 345
Request of "singers" group for more
benches, etc. referred to Jack Woody,
Supt. of Recreation. 2-7-62 44 382
Morton Burack's letter re. proposed plan
for development of proposed ocean front
park between 79th St. & 81st St. referred
to Planning Board for study & recommendation.
8-7-63 4 69
Book Page
Erection of more open air shelters
(chickees) in oceanfront parks requested.
Money to be included in next budget,
for same. 5-5-65 49 72
City Mgr's plan for development of park
and recreation areas in City and a Resolution
recommending adoption of this Plan as a
guide presented. Plan to be submitted by
to city planners. City Mgr. to submit plan
to Development Commission and Harold Toal 1+�'''
for recommendation prior to Dec. 15, 1965
meeting. Action on adoption of resolutions , u,c, Jw-
authorizing City Mgr. to make application ,
for State or Federal aid deferred.
12-1-65 49 464