Parks & Playgrounds_January to July 1966PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS . 6�
Action defNrred on appropriation for Book Page
chess club addition. 1-13-66 50 39
Discussion re. chess club addition.
Recommendation of Jack Woody requested
before action is taken. 1-19-66 50 50
Chess Club site appropriation again
1-19-66 50 59
$6,700 appropriation from ucf authorized
for addition to chess club.
2-2-66 50 78
on May 18, 1966 Book Page
Council calls public hearing/to
consider recommendation of City Mgr.
Duffield to replace portion of sand
area with parking strip at 64th Street
Oceanfront Park. 3-16-66 50 206
Mr. Duffield states his efforts to convince
people objecting to development of 64th St.
Oceanfront Park were >f no avail.
4-13-66 50 240
Hearing conducted re. plans to develop
64th St. Beach parking area. City Mgr.
to furnish addl information. Hearing
concluded. Action deferred. 5-18-66 50 319
City Mgr. requests consideration
re. naming of parks in City.
Book Page
50 391
City Mgr. reports that if used for
parks and recreational purposes, Federal
funds available for acquisition of proper-
ties on No. side of 20th St. between Purdy
and Alton Rd. 7-28-66 50 438