Parks & Playgrounds_January to July 1966PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS . 6� Action defNrred on appropriation for Book Page chess club addition. 1-13-66 50 39 Discussion re. chess club addition. Recommendation of Jack Woody requested before action is taken. 1-19-66 50 50 Chess Club site appropriation again deferred. 1-19-66 50 59 $6,700 appropriation from ucf authorized for addition to chess club. 2-2-66 50 78 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 63 on May 18, 1966 Book Page Council calls public hearing/to consider recommendation of City Mgr. Duffield to replace portion of sand area with parking strip at 64th Street Oceanfront Park. 3-16-66 50 206 Mr. Duffield states his efforts to convince people objecting to development of 64th St. Oceanfront Park were >f no avail. 4-13-66 50 240 Hearing conducted re. plans to develop 64th St. Beach parking area. City Mgr. to furnish addl information. Hearing concluded. Action deferred. 5-18-66 50 319 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 64 City Mgr. requests consideration re. naming of parks in City. 6-22-66 Book Page 50 391 City Mgr. reports that if used for parks and recreational purposes, Federal funds available for acquisition of proper- ties on No. side of 20th St. between Purdy and Alton Rd. 7-28-66 50 438