Parks & Playgrounds_November 1971 to September 1972PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS
Meeting date
Bell property: proposed acquisition
deferred to 12-1. (all further refer— 11-3-71
ences on card "Bell property")
Concrete pads for bleachers at Memorial
football field and Flamingo Park Tennis
Center. C.A.Davis,lnc. $10,400. , 3/15/72
Councilman Greene questioned City Mgr.
as to appointment of a Parks Director,
and City Mgr. said he will make a decision
within 30 days. 3/15/72
At request of Mr. Paul, matter of necessity
to prohibit buildings on City parks or lands
intended for park use will be heard 4/19/72 4/5/72
At request of Mr. Dan Paul, Council
established policy that no park lands
be used for capital improvements and that City
look to acquiring property for this instead.
City Atty. advised this was an expression of
intent but not binding. 4/26/72
Mr. E'lis Rubin requested adoption of Metro
Dade Co. regulations be prepared by City
Atty. thru Councilman Greene for July 5 6/2g/72
Proposed amendment to Chapter 25 of the Code
regulating use of public parks,etc, was
referred to City Mgr. for study and report
at later date.
Meeting Date
Councilman Weinstein complimented Recreation
Division for its fine park program in
Crespi Park.
Councilman Greene urged additional publicity
be given by City to recreational activities
sponsored by City in its Parks.
Re: Installation of lighting in Polo Park,
Martin Cavanaugh, appeared in support of
request to install lighting, so teen-age
children have use of facility during evening
hours. City Mgr. was requested to submit
estimate of cost of lighting Polo Park for
consideration at Budget Hearing 9/22/72 and
to identify property concerned as to whether
it/s City or School Bd. property.
Meeting Date