Parks & Playgrounds_October 1976 to July 1978PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS (continued) more frequent patrol of Bayshore Golf Course in view of recent acts of vandalism. 90 Date 10/20/76 Memo #6014, Community Centers night activities, 11/3/76 deferred to Nov. 24, 1976. Ord. #78-2124 adopted as an emergency measure 6/7/78 providing for closing of City Parks, Playgrounds, Beaches and Golf Courses between certain hours (requested by Mayor Haber). (See Golf Course, Beaches) Memo #7001, update on establishment of exer- 7/19/78 cise course in Pine Tree Park (requested by PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS 89 (continued) Date and North Shore Parks. Mayor Rosen complains of conditions also of facilities at handball and paddle ball courts in Flamingo Park. $20,000 included in Budget for repairs. (P.26) 9/29/76BH Mayor Rosen suggests streamlining of Community 9/29/76BH Center operations. City Mgr. to report.(P.29) Memo #5914, employment of 3 Park Attendant I's 10/6/76 for Parks Division, approved. Memo #5939, personnel for No. Shore Ocean Front 10/20/76 Park. Request to employ 5 Park Attendants, approved. Councilman Weinstein requested fre- quent patrolling of park by Police Dept, and PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS 88 (continued) Date provide the equipment. (P.10-11) 9/28/76B Councilman Dr. Haber requests that money be 9/28/76B allocated to clean and refurbish locker rooms at Flamingo and N. Shore Parks. City Mgr. to review and report on 9/29/76. (P.19) Community Center fees - Council approved is- 9/28/76B suance of annual permit for $2.50 per person over 65, who are bona fide residents; 25 ad- mission fees for all other residents and $1.00 admission fee for non-residents. (P.43) Fees applicable to all entertainment. (P.43-46) Upgrading of locker room facilities, Flamingo 9/29/76BH