Planning & Zoning_February 1969 to May 1976 (2)PLANNING & ZONING 3 BOOK PAGE Councilman Englander advised unique concept insofar as C,ty. regulations for use of property, that in Maryland counties can determine which properties can be used as condomium &which for rental units. Requested that P. & Z. Comm. & Planning Dept. render a report. 2/19/69 54 ? P. & Z. Dir, will report of actions already taken re known viols. - 100 Lincoln Rd. & submit to City Mgr. Further, he will cause all other viols. to be investigated. 2/25/69 54 232 RES. 73-13899 adopted, application to U.S. Gov't (HUD) for Comprehensive Planning & Management Assistance Grant of $65,000. 2/7/73 4 PLANNING & ZONING Meeting Date RES. 73-13900 adopted authorizing application by City Mgr. for funds from Federal Land & Water Conservation Act of 1965 for monies for park and recreational lands & facilities. 2/7/73 Memo 4214: selection of consultant to conduct housing survey re: NUd 701 planning and,manage- ment assistant grant. Administration authorized to enter a contract with Albert Rosen Assoc. to conduct housing survey in City, for $27,500. 10/3/73 Res. 73-14183 adopted, for agreement with Albert Rosen Assoc. to conduct housing survey re: HUD 701 Planning & Mgmet. Assistance grant. Fee not to exceed $27,500. 11/7/73 PLANNING & ZONING Res. #74-14369, authorizing application for HUD grant under Section 701 Program for Urban Planning. 5 Date 5/15/74 Ord. designating local Planning Agency as re- 5/5/76 quired by local Government Comprehensive Plan- ning Act of 1975, passed on 1st reading. Public hearing and 2nd reading scheduled for 6/2/76 at 2:00 p.m. (See Florida, State of) Authorizing execution of contractual agreements 5/19/76 to complete Fiscal Year 1975-76 to Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program. Res. #76-15048 adopted, approving agreement with U. of Miami Civil Engineering Dept. for structural survey,