Police Department_May to June 1958POLICE DEPARTMENT Bids for new Police Boat discussed. Councilman Liberman opposes purchase of boat. Contract awarded to low bidder, Crystaliner Corp., amout $9,458.10 including trade-in of City Boat No. 180 LE. $3,000 to be made available from Boat Repair Fund and appropriation of $6,458.10 authorized from ucf. 5-28-58 40 444 (City Mgr's Office to obtain report from Police Det outlining functions performed with Police Boat) 67 Book Page POLICE DEPARTMENT 68 Book Page Ordinance to be prepared requiring applicants for security positions in hotels to be investigated by Police Dept. 5-28-58 4o 447 Councilman Richard's motion that investigation be made re. recent ) assignments given Det. Sgt. Weider and others by Police Chief fails for lack of a second. Cou c R 's motion that ) an n 1 ry be made of the Police Chief's action re. above matter also fails to carry.5-28-58 40 448 POLICE DEPARTMENT 69 Book Page Ord. re. Hotel Security Officers given 1st and 2nd reading. (Amends Chapter 14 of Code by adding Secs. 14.13, 14.14 and 14.15 (Hotels) 6-4-58 40 455 3rd reading ordinance re. Hotel Security Officers - Ord. #1301 6-18-58 40 473 City Atty to look into recommendations made re. Hotel Security ordinance by Burnett Roth of the M.B. Hotel Conference 6-18-58 40 473