Police Department_July 1963 to December 1964POLICE DEPARTMENT 76 Book Page Council rejects City Mgr's appointment of Jack Farrell as Police Chief. Council elects Rocky Pomerance. 7-3-63 46 23 Former Police Chief, Mike Fox, granted one month's vacation pay and two month's terminal leave. 7-3-63 46 31 City Mgr. requested to investigate feasibility of policemen wearing white uniforms. 12-4-63 46 309 POLICE DEPARTMENT 77 Book Page Advertisement in Miami Herald re. presentation of "burlesk" show at Paris Theatre, 543 Washington Ave. discussed. Clerk explains circumstances surrounding issuance of license to this establishment on grounds there would be no burlesque. No action taken -2-64 46 379 City Mgr. presents Police report re. Paris Theatre and its current presentations of burlesk. Further report requested. 1-15-64 46 398 City Mgr. submits addl reports re. Paris Theatre burlesque; advises he had instructed Police Dept. t take steps to conform with all ap iicable requirements. St m` C q8is n olsend copies of reports 2-5-64 POLICE DEPARTMENT 78 Communication from Police Chief read Page re. processing of liquor and beer, & wine renewal applications. City Clerk to discuss further with Police Chief & City Mgr. 7-15-64 47 138 City Mgr. requested to discuss special report prepared by Police Chief re. certain types of undesirable activities in some establishments with Council at next meeting. 12-16-64 47 392