Police Department_September 1966 to November 1967POLICE DEPARTMENT 82 BOOK PAGE Award of contract to Langer's Outboard Service for purchase of Thunderbird Cheyenne 18' police boat, low bid $2,450, approved. 9-21-66 51 55 Police Boat and recommended surplus sale deferred to January 11, 1967. 1-4-67 51 318 Sale of police boat to F. A. Brishman, high bidder, $1,011.75 authorized. 1-11-67 51 330 POLICE DEPARTMENT Council approved City Attorney's request for authorization for dismissal of appeal taken by City in litigation involving disciplinary action taken against Fred Pinder, Police Department employee. 7-19-67 Consideration of proposed ordinance regulating off-duty police officers' services deferred to August 16, 1967. 7-19-67 83 BOOK PAGE 52 133 52 107 POLICE DEPARTMENT City Manager requested to arrange meeting with appropriate Police Department representatives, Mr. Minor and interested parties and City Attorney to formulate regulations re. carrying weapons by persons in security business, and submit recommendation to Council November 1, 1967. 10-18-67 Englander requests Police Department to render recommendation whether applications for future nightclub renewal licenses should be renewed re. term "complaint" in Police report. 11-1-67 83A BOOK PAGE 52 365 52 375