Police Department_May to October 1968POLICE DEPARTMENT insurance for total estimated cost of $13,000. 5-27-68 #1697 Ordinance/adopted emergency measure regulating sale, requiring registration & related matters re. firearms. 6-26-68 Res. #12464 adopted providing for transmittal of ordinance to Dade delegation, Speaker of House, President of Senate, Metro Commission. #1698 6-26-68 Ordinance/adopted as emergency measure for temporary questioning of persons in public POLICE DEPARTMENT 87 BOOK PAGE 53 208 248 & 53 254 53 255 88 BOOK PAGE places; dangerous weapons search. 6-26-68 53 254 Contracts for emergency police equipment awarded to various low bidders totaling $5,667.81. 6-26-68 53 267 Action on purchase of police boat deferred to 7/3/68 at request of City Manager. 6-26-68 53 271 Resolution presented from Kiwanis Club of M. B. opposing consolidation police & fire departments by Metro Dade County. 8-21-68 53 385 POLICE DEPARTMENT 89 BOOK PAGE Consideration of salary increase to police & firemen in new Budget (1968-1969) deferred to 9/30/68 --representatives invited to discuss matter in interim with City Manager. Salaries of 11 men in ID Bureau will continue to be treated as being equal with police personnel. 9-18-68 53 464 Recommended salary increases for 11 ID employees, 470 employees of Police Department & Fire Department & approved (1968-1969 Budget). 9-30-68 53 471 Resolution #12549 adopted authorizing extension of agreement with Causeway Marina for storage of City's police boat for one year ending September 20, 1969 ($285 per year). 10-9-68 53 503