Police Department_November 1968 to January 1969POLICE DEPARTMENT 90 BOOK PAGE Mayor to appoint committee to make in-depth study of proposed changes in titles for certain police classifications. City Manager to provide Council members with copies of October 17, 1968 Personnel Board minutes. 11-6-68 53 552 Action re. title changes for certain police classifications deferred to December 4, 1968. Report requested in writing from Council Committee with its views & Weinstein's statement that Detectives may be "Grandfathered" and not be given.title of "sergeant" and not be subject to lateral transfer. City Manager to prepare chart POLICE DEPARTMENT 91 BOOK PAGE showing comparison of classifications with Miami and Metro; and showing Detectives who desire to remain "Grandfathered" and alternative. Chief Pomerance to be present at December 4, 1968 meeting. 11-20-68 54 24 Ordinance #1736 adopted establishing salaries and title changes for police department classified employees as recommended by Council committee; effective date subject to additional review and clarification by Legal Department. 12-4-68 54 52 POLICE DEPARTMENT 92 BOOK PAGE Recommendation of Police Chief, City Physician and Administration approved re. extension of full salary benefits for Police Detective Murray Jarrett on as -needed basis not to exceed thirty days. 12-18-68 Action deferred to January 15, 1969 on ordinance pertaining to police title changes with City Attorney to prepare proper ordinance for repeal of Ordinance adopted on December 4, 1968 and new ordinance to be acted on January 15, 1969. 1-2-69 54 101 54 131