Police Department_October 1969 to August 1972POLICE DEPARTMENT 96
Meeting date
Request by Sy Lippman for I.D. re-
classifications; City Mgr. to review
and submit report on 11-5-69.
I.D. personnel salaries: City atty.
to prepare amendment to salary Ord.
I.D. personnel title changes, salaries:
1st, 2nd readings amending Ord.789 - 3rd
scheduled for 12-17-69. 12-10-69
....ORD.1799 adoptd. 12-17-69
City Mgr to review at budget workshop
addtl floor to Police Station. 9-2-70
Meeting date
Ed Cowart appearance: requested lateral
transfer waivers for 6 detectives; approved,
subject to City Mgr. approval; effective
10-1-70. 10-21-70
Request for waiver of catering fees for
Police and Firemen's Show - action deferred 1/19/72
Memo 3366 - awarded for radio equipment to
General Elec. Co. - $63,342. 2/16/72
Council approved additional 13 weeks pay
benefits to Mr. Lewis Youngman as needed,
effective March 15, 1972. 3/1/72
Consideration deferred to 4/19/72 on
unclassified salary adjustments 4/5/72
Police station air conditioning -
Councilman Greene requested City Mgr.
to be certain that areas where prisoners
are held in City Jail are air conditioned. 4/19/72
Inter -local Police agreement with City of Miami
for period July 1, 1972 to Aug. 21, 1972,
RES. No. 13656 adopted to exchange and inter-
change police personnel. 7/5/72
Mayor Hall requested placement on 9/6/ agenda of an
item re: "foot police" 8/16/72
Meeting Date
City Mgr. indicated matter would be considered
in conjunction with 1972-73 budget 8/16/72