Police Department_October 1972 to June 1973POLICE DEPARTMENT 99
Meeting Day
Mayor Hall asked City Mgr to advi$e Police
Chief that Council wants kootpatrol to be
implemented as quickly as possibly and that
Chief look into feasibility of rescheduling
assignments to implement program pending
training of additional personnel.
Res. 73-13882 adopted, authorizing $10,000
settlement in litigation brought by seven
personnel of I.D. Div.(Police Dept.) re:
their suit for recognition as police officers. 1/17/73
Vice Mayor Goodman asked report from Police
Chief re: outcome of recent conferences
of police officials held in Los Angeles. 1/17/73
Mayor Hall asked a report & recommendations
from Police Chief re: value as crime deterrent
of use of sodium vapor rather than mercury
vapor street lights. 1/17/73
Application to Governor's Council on Criminal
Justice for funds for projects in fields of
crime reduction (High Crime area illumination
project), RES. 73-13898 adopted (to be prepared
by City Atty.) authorizing application by City
Mgr. as above set forth. 2/7/73
Councilman Haber requested City Mgr. to furnish
Council with report re; status of institution
of P.Dept. "Foot Patrols". 4/11/73
Meeting Date
Meeting Date
Ordinance passed first reading amending
Chapter 29 of City Code to create an
auxiliary Police force. Administration
to furnish all cost data, methods of insurance
to cover auxiliary force, etc. 5/16/73
Ord. 73-1959 amending Chapter 29 of City Code to
create an auxiliary police force. Memo 4o64.
Councilman Haber requested Council be furnished
with add'l. info re: number of prisoners meals
served and cost thereof.
Mayor Hall advised City Mgr. he wants sufficient
walking police in streets during night hours.
City Mgr. would submit report and have Police