Police Department_June to September 1978POLICE DEPARTMENT 119A
Res. ##78-15646 adopted, approving collective 6/16/78
bargaining agreement with the Fraternal Order
of Police, William Nichols Lodge No. 8, to be
effective to Sept. 30, 1978. (See City Employees)
(continued) Date
remaining budget and request for $70,000 to be
included in 1978/79 FY budget for street wardens
during months of Oct. and Nov. 1978. (requested
by Commissioner Wikler) Deferred to Auq. 2,
1978, at request of Commissioner Wikler. 7/19/78
Establishing street wardens at cost of $70,000 8/2/78
for months of August and September, 1978 with
funding to come from unexpended funds through
assessment of 1/2 of 1% of remaining budget and
request for $70,000 to be included in 1978/79 FY
Budget for street wardens during months of Oct.
and Nov. 1978 (requested by Commissioner Wikler),
(deferred from 7/19/78 meeting). Police Chief
(continued) Date
reviewed steps of internal re -organization to
provide additional visibility of Police Officers
on streets and advised that SCAT Program that
has been funded will be instituted Jan, 1979.
Motion for adoption of proposed resolution
failed of passage. 8/2/78
Messrs. Harvey Haase and Bill Lomando, repre- 9/6/78
senting Police Identification and Records
Section, appeared and requested that City re-
tain this function. (ADD ON) Proposed elimi-
nation of Police Department Identification and
Records Section and transfer of certain func-
tions to Metro -Dade Co. FY 1978-79. City Mgr.
authorized to proceed with negotiations and