Police Department_September 1978-POLICE DEPARTMENT 122 (continued) Date discussions with County officials. (See City Employees & 1978-79 Budget) 9/6/78 INFORMATION- agreement of 9/29,78 between CMB 9/29/78BH & DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE U.S. (copy in DEPT. OF JUSTICE, and Police Dept., (THIS DID this file) NOT GO THROUGH COMMISSION) provides boat. Mr. A. J. Marcus presented a resolution of 9/20/78 M.B. Board of the Community Action Agency, (deferred from 9/6/78 meeting), urging 1) enlargement of police force, 2) acceleration of street lighting improvements, and 3) ac- celeration of sidewalk ramp installations at POLICE DEPARTMENT 123 (continued) Date street intersections. (See "M" MISC., Street - lighting, Sidewalks) 9/20/78 Discussion of retention of M.B. Police Identi- 9/20/78 fication Bureau (requested by Commissioner Wikler). Presentation deferred to 9/21/78 Budget Hearing as priority appearance at 5:15 p.m. Representatives submitted financial study copy of WTVJ 9/19/78 editorial, and Police Dept. petition, which were turned over to the City Manager. (See City Employees, Budget '78/79) First of two required hearings for purpose of 9/21/78 cons dering increase in millage FY 1978-1979. Department Heads appeared and reviewed dollar POLICE DEPARTMENT 124 (continued) Date changes in respective budgets. Police ID em- ployees spoke on behalf of retaining their function. First of two required hearings con- cluded. Mayor Haber announced that second re- quired hearing will be held on Sept. 28, 1978 at 5:15 p.m. 9/21/78 Dr. Wikler's motion to retain ID and Records 9/29/78 Section and increase Police Services fees as proposed, died for lack of a second. City Mgr's proposed Plan of Action and Budget Policy Decision regarding Elimination of Positions, as set forth in his Budget Message, approved. Res. #78-15726 adopted, as amended, adopting Official Budget for CMB for FY 1978/1979, at a