Police Department_December 1978 to January 1979POLICE DEPARTMENT (ADD ON) For information only, in re: Rocky Pomerance and CMB vs Vincent P. Anoll, Fla. Supreme Court Case No. 50,713. Fla. Supreme Court reversed Circuit Court Judge Satin's order to reinstate dismissed police officer. (See Suit Brought by City) Road Construction - 63rd to 71st Streets - Commissioner Friedman complained about traffic tie-up on Indian Creek Dr. and requested Administration to explain why road construction has been initiated at this time, particularly during tourist season. Later in meeting, Police Chief Cotzin appeared and explained that this construction was part of a State contract and 128 Date 12/20/78 12/20/78 POLICE DEPARTMENT 129 (continued) Date that City had received no prior notification that work would commence. He advised they will try to prohibit such work during the morning and evening rush hours. (See Traffic) Police Chief Cotzin submitted a report of task force's purpose (to address seasonal in- flux of drunks, vagrants, and derelicts), geo- graphical area of concentration (south end of city), and activities since it became operational on December 5, 1978. 12/20/78 12/20/78 Mayor Haber rendered a status report on legal 12/20/78 actions being taken regarding alleged violations by the Ethopian Zion Coptic Church. Upon being POLICE DEPARTMENT 130 (continued) Date advised by Commissioner Weinstein that he had been informed that the State Atty's office had nol-prossed the Case, Mayor Haber requested City Atty. to immediately issue a full report of all details of case. The City Atty. was directed to establish procedures whereby Legal Dept. is to be notified of any and all pending court cases pertaining to ail Code violations. 12/20/78 Memo #7284, Ord. #79-2148 adopted as an e- 1/3/79 mergency measure, amending Sec. 25-83 of Code of CMB by providing for an increase in fee for identification cards; and providing for passage as an emergency measure. (See Regis- tration & Fingerprinting)