Police Department_August to October 1979POLICE DEPARTMENT Mayor Haber presented certificate of appre- ciation to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Saxon of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., for their donation to CMB. one of their horses which has made possible the M.B. Horse Patrol. Res. #79-15990. ("Raz Raz") (see GIFTS, TAX EXEMPT - TRUSTS) Memo #7772, Res. #79-16047 adopted, author- 10/17/79 izing extension of agreement effective July 1, 1979, for an indefinite period of time; 30 day cancellation notice with Miami Dade Community College, (Police Personnel as Instructors/ Training Advisors/Training Coordinators). (See Miami Dade Community College) 134 Date 8/1/79 POLICE DEPARTMENT 64 Book Page Discussion re. Special Agent Investigators report on Police Department. Investigators agree to deliver report upon being indemnified by City against expenses which may incur in defending themselves against anysuit for libel or defamation which may result from improper publication of their report. City Atty advises that City was not authorized to enter into indemnity agreements. City to enter indemnity agreement and Investigators to be advised that according to Legal Dept., Council could not enforce agreement. Appointing of Police Chief and method of the reportto b discussed at special g 6-19-57 i9 390-3 &400