Pop Concerts_December 1963"POP" concerts 11.
Book Page
William T. Kruglak, Jr. representing
Miami International Artists Management
Corp. advises group is interested in
Summer"Pop" Concerts which have been
abandoned. Mayor Richard advises of
call from Dr. Stanford and other executives
from U of M advising there was no justification
for University to continue concerts. Mr.
Kruglak asks Council to permit his clients
to lend their support and coopera on to
Mrs. Volpe. Motion mad' nPtoe°ito
agreement with Mrs. Volpe to run concerts.
Barnett Breeskin requests consideration be
given to Miami Beach Symphony Orchestrammto
conduct Pop Concerts. IMotir. ongmade by (cont.)
(cont.) Book Page
to refer matter to Music & Fine Arts
Board for recommendation. Mayor Richard
advises of telephone call from Herman
Binder regarding another group interested
in taking over concerts. Councilman Powell's
motion dies for want of second. Councilman
Englander's motion to refer matter to Music &
Fine Arts Board carries. Clerk instructed
to notify interested parties.
Music & Fine Arts Board recomm12-4
ends -63 46 307
Miami Inwtt ternational Ainfor rtists Management
suggest Council take actionlin matter.
Councilman Englander requests add'l info.,
makes motion tq-defer matter Ma o Richard
asksfor addil-info. Action def
lz-1 -163 46 336
Council accepts cancellation of contract
Book Page
withU of M for use of Auditorium for
"Pop"Concerts for summers of 1964, 1965 and
1966 and $600.00 deposit to be returned.
12-18-63 46 336
Music & Fine Arts Board recommends that
Barnett Breeskin be given opportunity
to handle 1964 Summer Pop Concert series;
also recommends that number of concerts
be increased and that prices for the concerts
not be increased. Mr. Wm. Kruglak states
Mrs. Volpe again indicated she would be
for Council's servelad to consideration tof Miami Int'l
Artists Management, Inc. in order to supplrt