Port And Port Facilities_May to June 1958PORT AND PORT FACILITIES
Book Page
Mr. Wm. Kruglak representing. Palm -
Star -Hibiscus Islands Assn reviews
past action taken re. opposition to
construction of Dodge Island seaport
by City of Miami. Council asked to
request right to be heard in public
hearings in Congress in opposition
to port. City Mgr. to explore request
that City be represented by outside
expert engineers and appaisers at these
hearings. Council to consider
suggestion to request Dade County
Commission to take responsibility of
locating and building the port.
5-21-58 40
Book Page
Councilman Richard's motion that
Congressional and Grand Jury investigation
of the proposed Dodge Island Port be
requested, fails for lack of a second.
5-28-58 40 447
Councilman Richard's letter to City
Mgr. Lipp re. Dodge Island Port Plan
read. Matter referred to City Atty
for study and recommendations. City Atty
requested to render opinion at next
meeting and prepare resolutions necessary
to carry out proposals in letter.
6-18-58 40 468
Book Page
Chelsie Senerchia engaged as
consulting engineer in connection
with studies on Dodge Island Port
and his appearance before Congressional
hearings in connection with the port
at a fee of $5,000, plus traveling expenses
6-18-58 40 480
Report from City Atty re. Councilman
Richard's proposals re. Dodge Island
Port. Institution of lawsuit authorized
to invalidate legislation removing
the property from jurisdictional limits
of City of Miami Beach and annexing
same to City°of"Miami: No second to
motion to place property back on tax roll.