Port And Port Facilities_July 1958 to April 1959PORT AND PORT FACILITIES 14
Book Page
No second to motion re. rezoning
property to RAA. Letter to be sent
to Washington re. inaccurate testimony
of City Mgr. of Miami to the effect
that property was in Miami.
7-2-58 4o 496
Resolution of Washington Ave. Assn
presented objecting to Dodge Island Port
7-16-58 41 2
Resolution of M.B. Taxpayers Assn.
presented opposing Dodge Island
Port construction 8-6-58 41 47
Book Page
Statement of W. Turner Wallis, for
engineering services in connection
with presentation of objections to
Dodge Island Port Plan before Subcommitte
on Rivers and Harbors of the House of
Representatives, $1,641.11, approved for
payment. 8-20-58 41 59
Statement of W. Turner Wallis, $1,036.67
for services & expenses for period ending
March 31, 1959, in re. location of
Port of Miami, approved for payment.
Authorized from unappropriated current
funds. 4-15-59 42 35