D. Lee Powell (Councilman)_February 1948 to June 1949D. LEE POWELL, COUNCILMAN 12 Book Page Ugges that signs be placed on bridges over inland waterways indicating speed limits for boats 2/18/48 26 205 Calls attention to traffic bottleneck at 63rd St. and Indian Creek 3/3/48 26 246 Asks for check of night clubs and liquor bars before ne3tt license year 4/7/48 26 279 D. LEE POWELL, COUNCILMAN 13 Book Page Again urges adoption of ordinance prohibiting projecting signs and an ordinance is passed on first and second readings 7/7/48 26 429 Urges adoption of an ordinance regulating parking lots Asks for report on auxiliary lighting systems in theaters 1/5/49 8/6/48 27 10 27 275 14 Book Page 1/12/49 27 331 2/16/49 27 439 POWELL, D. LEE, COUNCILMAN Urges that supplies be purchased in Miami Beach when possible Urges use of more modern traffic signs Urges study of traffic bottleneck at 63rd and Pine Tree Reelected for 2 -year term Elected Vice -Mayor 4/6/49 6/1/49 6/15/49 28 28 28 23 197 217