D. Lee Powell (Councilman)_June 1955 to August 1958POWELL, D. LEE (MAYOR) 21 Book Page Re-elected to 4 -year term. Elected Mayor. 6-8-55 37 196 Mayor Powell suggests City Mgr. look into matter of renting automobiles for Police Dept. on annual basis 11-2-55 37 421 Mayor Powell's and City Mgr.'s letter to Police Chief and Dade County Grand Jury re. gambling and other illicit activities on M. B. read to Council. 2-6-57CC 39ll 87 woZ�dr DewappolntQCtoscomm teealong uity Mgr. conauct inves gt- ?n. 39 124 POWELL, D. LEE (COUNCILMAN) 22 Book Page Res. #9526 commending D. Lee Powell for outstanding services while serving as Mayor as well as Councilman 7-3-57 39 407 Appointed as member of American Municipal Association's Committee on Parking. Arrangements to be made for Mr. Powell to attend covention in San Francisco first week in December. 11-20-57 40 135 Suggests ordinance to require reporting of thefts to Police Dept. 2-19-58 40 301 POWELL, D. LEE (COUNCILMAN) 23 Book Page Councilman Powell asks City Mgr. to keep in contact with State Road Dept. relative to State monies which might be made available for future Collins Avenue improvements 7-16-58 41 13 Councilman Powell introduces Resolution opposing further action by Dade County Commission on Elliott Key Causeway Bond issue until increased membership of Commission has been consummates and until public hearings can be he c on the iss es involved Res.#9835 8-20-58 41 56