Prisoners Meals_June 1973 to May 1974iQi`- t 11 IS PRISONERS MEALS 4 Meeting Date Councilman Haber requested Council be furnished with add'l. info re: number of prisoners meals served and cost thereof. 6/6/73 Memo 4150 no action taken on request for in- crease in rates for prisoners' meals. 9/5/73 Councilman Dr. Haber requested an investiga- tion be made re: inferior food reportedly being served by contractor to prisoners in City jail. Note: Administration report filed with records of this meeting. 4/3/74 Request by Mr. M. Rodriguez, owner of Manny's restaurant, 1670 Meridian Ct. for Council's (continued) PRISONERS MEALS 5 consideration of increasingfood Meeting Date s listed in existing contracfor prisoners' meals. City Atty. instructed to consider problem and report back at 5/15/74 meeting with recommendation as to how contractor can legally be given some relief, Mr. Robt. Tu rch i n (private citizen) appeared and said since City has legal problem which cannot be resolved at this meeting, he and Mr. Harry Singer would assist Mr. Rodriguez by assuming one month's losses, 5/1/74