Private Clubs_March 1965 to January 1977PRIVATE CLUBS 9. Book Page (cont.) be withdrawn fails. City Atty states in his opinion Caesar's Forum does not come under definition of private club. Motion that city institute suit to enjoin operation of Forum fails. Bldg. & Fire Depts. to check Forum to ascertain whether it complies with all requirements. 3-24-65 48 409 3rd reading ordinance, as amended, amending Chapter 7 of Code' re. docking houseboats for private club purposes in areas zone higher than "BA". Ord. # 155'2. 3-24-65 48 413 Resolution of Biscayne Property Owners Ass'n opposing Caesar's Forum filed. 5-5-65 49 77 PRIVATE CLUBS 10 Meeting date Island Paradise Motel: request for use as private club, referred for study, report to CC by City Mgr. 11-3-71 Hearing held and concluded re: Planning Brd. 12/10/75 recommendation of Council approval of Condi- tional Use for property on Lots 32-33, Blk 36, Part 1, Isle of Normandy (1969-71 71st St.) to permit Private Social Club serving alco- holic beverages. Conditional Use approved. (Public hearing set by Council 11/5/75 for 3:00 p.m.) Request for authorization to issue notice to 1/19/77 comply with liquor license requirements to PRIVATE CLUBS (continued) Gadabout Social Club, Inc. under provisions of City Code Sec. 20-20. Police Chief and members of his department reported that this establish- ment is serving liquor to public in violation of Conditional Use for operation of a private club which had been granted by Council. Dis- cussion also held on policing problems created by all-night hours of operation. City Atty. directed to assign an Asst. City Atty. to aid Police Dept. in its investigation and to assist in expediting whatever legal matters are in- volved. Planning Dir. to cooperate with Police Dept. and take immediate and decisive action in this matter upon resolution of the legal matters. 11 Date 1/19/77