Private Schools_December 1935 to April 1936ifct PRIV.&.TE SCH00LS See "Exemption" 1st and 2nd Readings 0rd. re ulating Private Schools 12/4/35 3rd Reading Above Ordinance #412 12/1S/35 Permit granted to Elise C.Ehrman for private childrens dancing & dramatic art school 12/23/35 Permits granted for 13 private schools 1/29/36 1. BOOK,PAGE 14 220 14 239 14 245 14 285 PRIVATE SCH00LS 2. Book page Hearing of comp l.PAn -e .rind testimony on operation of Lear School 4/1/36 14 357 Commi_tte_e-nice } Meyer & Ralston to investigate charge that Lear School constitutes a -nuisance 4/1/35 14 -357 Request of Leo Huberman for private -- -school permit on Isle of Normandy - waivers of objections to be brought in 4/ Mrs. Sara. McIntire -requests pr/ v e-----1 379 school permit - 4/1736 14 389 T@ sahgoante�i v4-Hle be an -for private / 5 366 395- --