Private Schools_November 1936 to June 1937PRIVATE SCHOOLS 6 Book Page Permit requested to operate a Frdnch Kindergarten - denied on account of zoning 11-4-36 15 194 Permit requested by Lear School to operate at 1500 Collins Ave. 11r12136 15 218 Permit granted Thomas Anglin to operate Business College 12/2/36 15 263 Permit granted Dr.Earl R.Ca 1 for private school 12/1O/36 15 302 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 7. Book Page Numerology School of America,Inc. granted private school permit 3-22-37 15, 471 Sheridan Park School request__ renewal of permit. 4-21-37 16 34 Beach College of Commerce given permit to locate at 600 Lincoln Rd. 4-30-37 16 63 Sheridan Park 1937-341 permit re- ferred to City Mgr.Renshaw 4-30-37 16 63 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Permit granted Biscayne Bay Day School, Miss Mac's Private School & Mannheimer Private School for 1937-1938 school year. 6/7/37 16 136 Permit for Private School for 1937-1938 season granted to Evelyn Joseph at 1410 Alton Rd. 6/16/37 16 138 Permits granted for following Ethel C. Hills - 1838 BayRoad Helen L. Mansfield - 2858 P T Dr. C. C. Carson (3) - 951 Washington Ave. 6/16/37 16 144 8. Book Page