Automobiles & Trucks_July to November 1962AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS
Contracts awarded for 7 new garbage
trucks & bodies to low bidders
7-18-62 45 29
Contract for trailer with hydraulic
elevating and lowering system for
Park Dept. awarded to West Point Turfgrass
Co., $650.75 9-19-62 45 109
Book Page
Contract for automotive equipment for
Water Dept. awarded to low bidders.
10-17-62 45 146
Contract for 16 4 -door sedans for Police
Dept. awarded to Vic Potamkin, $32,814.00
11-7-62 45 179
Book Page
Contract for one 6-cyl. car for
Fire Dept. awarded to Deel Motors,
$1,670.22 11-7-62 45 179
Contract for one ½ton 135 H.P. 6 cyl.
pick up truck for Police Dept. awarded
to low bidder, Barker & Weeks, $1,580.79.
11-21-62 45 203
Contract for one 4 -wheeled tractor
for Park Dept. awarded to Growers'
Equipment $2,484.00 11-21-62 45 205
Book Page
Contract for 1/2 ton pick-up truck,
and 19,500 GW 5 cu. yard dump truck
for Park Dept., awarded to Vic Potamkin
6-19-63 46 10
Bids for 5 truck chassis and 10 garbage
bodies presented and discussed. Council-
man Galbut asks for more time to check
the different garbage bodies. Action
deferred on award of contract.
7-17-63 46 42
Discussion resumes re. award of contract
for garbage bodies and truck chassis.
Contract for 5 truck chassis awarded
to International Harvester, $25,035.05
contract f411.3%.101 bage bodies 64