Private Schools_October 1944 to October 1945PRIVAT9(:H ?OL Book Page Perm t ranted Drexel Sch of 1C? 4/11.4} 22 411 M. g.� '°' "F4' z 2. y/S Perm s grant d Elise man Studio of Dance and Normandy School 12/6/44 22 445 Cha.rlesDance Studio granted dancing school licease 113/45 22 464 Coburn School, Arthur Murray Studios and Triton Hotel Dancing School granted licenses 1/17/45 22 464 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 34. BOOK PAGE Martin Drexel complains of operation of Colonial School at 1438 Lincoln Road as being in violation is of zoning ordinance 2/7/45 22 468 Dancing school licenses authorized for: Arthur Murray, Gomez & Rocio Dance Studio, Sager -Green Dance Studio & Carlos Gomez 2/7/45 22 471 Dancing school licenses authorized for Lola Gomez 2/16/45 22 480 Sheridan Park School granted private school license 2/16/45 22 480 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 35, Book Page Hampton -Somerville Studio of Dance, Walsh School of Business Science and Ann Lano Studio of Dance granted licenses 2/21/45 22 481 Claryce Coulson and the Miami Conservatory granted private school licenses 3/7/45 23 6 Little School granted renewal license Beatrice Dee Private School given license 9/19/45 23 220 1013/45 23 235