Highway Contracts_February to December 1968HIGHWAY CONTRACTS 163_ BOOK PAGE Excess payment to The Brewer Co. of Florida for contract involving paving of alleys (Highway Improvement H-517) of $397.77 increase approved. 2-7-68 52 552 Contract awarded to Pan American Construction Co. for Highway Improvement H-518 for $1,856.40, for asphaltic concrete.2-21-68 53 23 Contract awarded to Maule Industries for Pit Rock for Highway Improvement H-518 for $3,080. 2-21-68 53 23 HIGHWAY CONTRACTS Change orders 4 & 5, The Brewer Co. of Florida, asphaltic concrete retread various streets and Alton Road from 23rd to 63rd Streets --increase $2,435. 2-21-68 Contract awarded to General Asphalt Co. for asphaltic concrete wearing surface for H-519 for $760. 3-20-68 Contract awarded to Maule Industries for H-519 for pit rock for $880. 3-20-68 Contract awarded to Marks Bros. for pit rock for parking areas north of Convention Hall & East BOOK PAGE 53 27 53 78 53 78 HIGHWAY CONTRACTS 165 BOOK PAGE side of Meridian Ave. for $13,300. 5-1-68 53 168 Contract awarded to Marks Bros. Co. for pit rock for Parking Area PA -58 Addition, Collins Avenue between 35th and 36th Streets for $3,850.00. 11-20-68 54 15 Contract awarded to Marks Bros. Co., $6,880., for pit rock for Highway Improvement HN -364 on West 42nd Street from Pine Tree Drive to Prairie Avenue. 12-18-68 54 98 Contract awarded to General Asphalt Co., Inc., $4,400., for asphaltic concrete surface for HN -364, address above. 12-18-68 54 98