Private Schools_April to November 1947PRIVATE SCHOOLS 48 Book Page In compliance with court order, Harold Malamud is given permit for private school at 7705 Abbott Ave. 4/2/47 25 81 Upon recommendation of Ken. Thompson Council refers application of Lesser and Hulsh for day camp at 6949 Carlyle Ave. back to Building Dept. 4/2/47 25 86 Greater Miami Hebrew Academy given private school license at #1 Lincoln Road 4/16/47 25 104 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 49 Book Page Greater Miami Hebrew Academy asks for permit to operate private school at 920 6th St. 5/21/47 25 174 Mrs. Frank McDowell's request to operate day nursery at 7135 Byron Ave. is referred to City Manager 6/11/47 25 203 Luban School granted license 6/18/47 25 224 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 50 Book Page Beatrice Dee and Mannheimer School granted permits 10/15/47 25 419 Abbott Gardens Private School and Normandy School granted licenses 11/5/47= 25 454 John Sorenson's appli- cation to operate children's day camp is referred to Asst. City Manager 11/5/47 25 465