Private Schools_November 1948 to October 1949PRIVATE SCHOOLS Permits 54- Book Page granted Franklin School of Dramatic Arts, Miami Beach Hotel School and Elise Ehrman Studio of Dance 11/17/48 27 196 Walsh School of Business Science, Normandy School and Children's Corner 12/1/48 27 219 Biscayne Bay Private School and Miami Conservatory granted licenses 12/15/48 27 240 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 55 Book Page License granted Whitefield School 12/24/48 27 261 Renewal licenses granted Drexel School and Coburn School 1/5/49 27 273 Cy Rich granted permit to operate music school 4/6/49 28 2 License granted West End School at 3438 Lincoln Road 7/20/49 28 257 License granted Lillian Fox for dramatic school at 2125 Bay Drive 8/3/49 28 293 PflIVATE SCHOOLS 56 Book Page License granted Ray Rouder for nursery school at 2850 Pine Tree Drive 8/3/49 28 299 License granted Mrs. W. C. Lyle for Biscayne Bay School at 325-335 South Shore Drive. 9/21/49 28 406 License granted Andre Biololenki for White- field School at 1550 Lenox Avenue 10/5/49 28 449