Private Schools_August 1950 to January 1951PRIVATn SCHOOLS 459 Book Page No action taken on request of Drexel School to erect canopy on school property 8-2-50 29 510 30 77 30 78 10-4-50 30 89 Permit granted Mrs. Ann Tart to operate nursery school at 8012 Harding Ave. 9/20/50 Renewal permit granted Mann- heimer School 9/20/50 Renewal permit granted Whitefield School PRIVATE SCHOOLS 59a Book Page Permit granted Thomas Armour School of Ballet, Fithian Studios, Beatrice Dee Private School, Normandy School 10-25-50 30 120 Permit granted Biscayne Bay Private School 11-1-50 30 151 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Permits granted Elise Ehrman Studio of Dance, Drexel School 59 b Book Page 11-15-50 30 179 Permits granted: Abbott Gardens Private School, West End School, Inc. The Lear School Barri School of Dance 12-6-50 30 216 Permit for dramatic arts school at 1613 Alton Rd. granted Permits granted: Gaylene Honey King Dance Studio 12-20-50 30 253 Studios, 1-17-51 30 338