Private Schools_May to December 1957PRIVATE SCHOOLS
Book Page
Request to amend Zoning Ordinance to
include nursery schools among uses
permitted in RE Multiple-familyDistricts
made by Atty. Edwin Marger. Legal Dept.
advises that term private school does
not include nursery schools; that
nursery school is a business and belongs
in Business District. City Mgr's office
to look into possibility of an ordinance
to regulate nursery schools and the
proper zoning in which they could be
permitted 5-15-57 39 345
Book Page
Renewal licenses approved:
Children's Corner (nursery and kindergarten)
Mannheimer Private School
Biscayne Bay Private School
Whitefield Private School
10-16-57 40 83
Renewal licenses approved:
Oxford School
Abbott Gardens Private School
Beatrice Dee Private School
Normandy- School
The Lear School - private day school,
nursery thru high school
11-6-57 40 107
Book Page
Hearing called to consider request
of Temple Ner Tamid to operate
religious education school in conjunction
with the Temple which is to be constructed
at Tatum Waterway Dr. between 79th and 80th
Streets 12-4-57 40 147
Hearing conducted re. above request.
Permit granted. 12-18-57 40 165