Private Schools_November 1957 to November 1958PRIVATE SCHOOLS 89 Book Page Renewal license approved: Drexel Private Boarding & Day School 11-6-57 40 107 Application of Mrs. Ruth Swicord for license to operate private school at west end of Lincoln Road discussed. Action deferred until next meeting. Application of Ruth Swicord12-18-57 40 181 to operate private school at 1441 Lincoln Rd. denied 1-2-58 40 198 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 90 Book Page Normandy School, 1021 Biarritz Dr., requests permission to build swimming pool on area now used as playground. Objections raised. Permit granted. 4-16-58 4o 370 Permit granted Temple EmanuEl for construction of branch school on Lots 10, 11 and 12, Bik 6, Tatum Waterway Sub., and Lot 6, Blk 28, Altos del Mar #3 -(77th St.) 8-20-58 41 49 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 91 Book Page Renewal license authorized: Children's Corner Pre -School (Nursery and Kindergarten - 7118 Byron) 9-17-58 41 120 Renewal licenses authorized: Biscayne Bay School Mannheimer School Whitefield School 10-15-58 41 175 Renewal licenses authorized: Abbott Gardens Oxford School Beatrice Dee Normandy School Lear School Drexel Private Boarding & Day 11-5-58 41 204 Hebrew Academy granted permission to build 2 addl classrms 918 -6th st. 5/20/59 42 86