Private Schools_May to June 1960PRIVATE SCHOOLS Book Claude Pepper explains that Hebrew Academy desires W.side Alton Rd. at 37th St. - Lots 53 & 54, Blk 1, Nautilus Sb. as site for new school. Committee appointed to seek other site for Academy. Atty Hoffman explains why site not suitable for any school. Committee to submit report in two weeks if possible. Zoning hearing on proposal to rezone above lots continued to May 18, 1960. 5-4-60 43 95. Page 82 PRIVATE SCHOOLS 96 Book Page Report of Hebrew Academy Site Seeking Committee read. Council votes to declare as surplus a parcel of old municipal golf course and authorizes City Mgr. to negotiate with Hebrew Academy accordingly. 5-18-60 43 Request made for reconsideration of proposed sale of land fronting on Pine Tree Drive immediately north of Fire Station to Hebrew Academy. No action taken. 6-1-60 43 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Res. #10343 authorizing execution of agreement with Hebrew Academy re. land on Municipal Golf Course for school. City to receive $38,000 plus transfer of Lots 7-13, in Block 2, Nursery Sub. (Chase Ave.) Agreement to be modified as requested by Council. Chase Ave. property to become park after acquisition by City. M. B. Jay -Cees object. 6-15-60 43 94 95 97 Book Page cl. 106