Private Schools_July to November 1960PRIVATE SCHOOLS 98
Book Page
Res. *10361 authorizing execution of
revised agreement with Greater Miami
Hebrew Academy for sale of certain
land and acquisition by City of property
on Chase Ave. formerly belonging to
Greater Miami Hebrew Academy.
d-lu. �e - 7-20-60 43 160
4.-Ae2,4 /16,,z re ?`Cl 4'0 cd U -
Hearin called on Sept. 7, 1960 to
consider request of Hebrew Academy
for permission to use a building located
at 710 Meridian Ave. as an annex of the
Academy. 8-24-60 43 206
Hearing conducted re. request of
Hebrew Academy to use building at
710 Meridian Ave. for classroom
purposes only, as adjunct to operation i
of their school at 918 -6th St.
Permission granted for period not to exceed
one year. 9-7-60 43 207
Book Page
Temple Beth Sholom, Inc. authorized
permit to construct and to operate
religious school at 4144-64 Chase Ave
(Lots 27,28,29 and 30, Blk 2, Nursery
Sub.) 9-14-60 43 224
Renewal application approved:
Whitefield Sr. High School
Book Page
9-21-60 43 251
Renewal approved:
Biscayne Bay Private School 10-19-60 43 290
Licenses authorized:
Abbott Gardens Private School
Drexel Private Board & Day School
Oxford School 11-2-60 43 317
Renewals renewed:
Beatrice Dee Private School
The Lear School
Nordmandy School
11-9-60 43 324