Private Schools_December 1960 to November 1961PRIVATE SCHOOLS 101 Book Page Hebrew Academy given permission to erect sign on property purchased for school site on Old Municipal Golf Course, indicating erection of proposed school. 12-21-60 43 364 Oxford School granted permission to use 1144 West Avenue for school purposes. 5-3-61 44 64 Permit granted Mesifta of Greater Miami, Louis Merwitzer High School, to use premises at 1965 Alton Rd. (Eden Hotel) for high school purposes for approx. 30 students , for a period of approx. 3 years. 7-5-61 44 120 PRTVATE SCHOOLS 102 Book Page Hebrew Academy given permission to use building at 1020 Michigan Ave., for high school purposes, instead of 710 Meridian Avenue, as previously authorized. 8-16-61 44 167 Objections re. Hebrew Academy High School at 1020 Michigan Ave. to be relayed to Academy for correction. 9-6-61 44 211 Renewal license authorized: Whitefield Senior High School 10-4-61 44 239 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Renewal licens authorized: Abbott School Biscayne Bay Private School Drexel Private Boarding & Day School The Lear School Normandy School Oxford School 103 Book Page 11-1-61 44 267 Beatrice Dee Private School renewal approved. Operation extended to adjoining apt. building owned by her (725-735 W. 40th St.) 11-1-61 44 267