Private Schools_July to November 1962PRIVATE SCHOOLS 107 Book Page Joseph P. Zuckerman given permission to operate a private club and private school at 842-46 Washington Ave. (Farband Labor Zionist Organization) 7-5-62 45 2 Delmonico Corp., Jerome Granger, Vice -Pres., granted permission to permit a private school - Whitcomb Schools of America - to conduct an adult hotel training school in the Delmonico Hotel at 6393 Collins Avenue 8-15-62 45 52 PRIVATE SCHOOLS Permit granted Mesivta Senior High School of Greater Miami to operate a school at 1021 Biarritz Dr. 9-5-62 45 81 Application for renewal of private school license approved. 9-26-62 45 121 Whitefield Sr. High School. Action on Mrs. Ella Wallman's request for a permit to operate a day care school for retarded Jewish children at 543 Lenox Ave. deferred at request of Councilman Cohen. Solicitations 11-21-62 45 195 Board to report any action be re Board re. raising of funds by Mrs. Wallman 108 Book Page PRIVATE SCHOOLS Licenses renewed: Biscayne Bay Private School The Lear School Abbott School Beatrice Dee Private School Drexel Private Board & Day School Oxford School 109 Book Page 11-21-62 45 212 Hearing conducted re. Ella Wallman's request for permit to operate day school for retarded Jewish children at 543 Lenox Ave. Report presented on findings of investigation into background of proposed operator and her lack of qualifications to cerate sch>ol. (not filed with City Clerk) (cont)