Private Schools_January to October 1966PRIVATE SCTIOOLS 113
Request granted of Hebrew Academy Book Page
to use premises at 2427-33 Pine Tree Dr.
for school purposes. 1-19-66 50 41
Permit granted for one -room addition to
Abbott School building at 7705 Abbott Ave.
6-22-66 50 368
Request of Bible Light, Inc.
to operate private school at
6060 Inidan Creek Dr. referred
to City Mgr. for study and
recommendation. 7-6-66 50 394
Book Page
Request to operate private school
at 6060 Indian Creek Dr. by
Bible Light, Inc. withdrawn by
applicant. 8-17-66 50 479
Hearing called for 9/28/66, 10 AM
re. request, Drexel Private School
to transfer .license from 1658 Bay
Rd. to 3602 Collins Ave. 8-17-66 50 483
Public Hearing called for
10:30 A.M. on 10/12/66 on request
of East Coast University, Inc. to
operate a college at the Floridian
Hotel.NOTE: After meeting
application was withdrawn. 9-21-66 51 34
Book Page
Application approved and license
authorized (renewal) for Abbott
School, 7705 Abbott Ave. 9-21-66 51 58
City Clerk & City Attorney to consider
setting up standards to be used in future
correspondence school occupational license
requests. 10-26-66 51 144