Private Schools_February 1970 to May 1977PRIVATE SCHOOLS 131
Meeting date
Drexel -3602 Collins -renewal appr'd. 2-18-70
Hebrew Academy: request to demolish
and rebuild - hearing 3-4-70.
....request granted.
American Tutoring Service: application
to operate referred to City Mgr for con-
sideration. City Atty rendered opinion. 11-25-70
Planning Brd. recommendation that City Coun- 1/15/75
cil approve conditional use of Lots 26 & 27,
Block 36, Miami View Section Isle of Normandy
(1943 - 71st St) for Day Care Nursery for Pre -
School Children (deferred from 12/18/74)approved.
Planning Brd. recommendation to allow operation 4/6/77
of children's nursery as Conditional Use, at
1439 Alton Rd. Hearing called for May 4, 1977
to consider recommendation of Planning Brd. to
allow, as a Conditional Use, the operation of a
children's nursery at 1439 Alton Rd. (Lot 22,
Blk 109, O.B.#3), subject to 1)applicant in-
stalling a fence of not less than 4' in height
around the entire area designated for use as
a nursery, separating it from adjacent build-
ings on the premises; 2) limiting the number
of children enrolled to 35; 3) pick up and
delivery of children taking place at rear of
Hearing held and concluded re: consideration of 5/4/77
Planning Brd. recommendation to allow operation
of a Children's Nursery as a conditional use on
property at 1439 Alton Rd. Action deferred to
2:15 p.m., May 18, 1977. Administration to ob-
tain information as to amount and type of auto
liability insurance coverage carried by buses
used by applicant and requirements of applicable
county and state laws, and prepare report and
Consideration of Conditional Use Nursery School 5/18/77
at 1439 Alton Rd. (Public hearing held and con-
cluded on May 4, 1977.) Report presented that
insurance coverage was adequate. Council then