Proposed Purchase Of Property_September to October 1972PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY $ Meeting Date Block 6, 41st St. Bus. Sub off-street parking (42 St. & Jefferson Ave.) . Mr. Irving Cypen appeared in support of this acquisition. City Mgr. had recommended 8/16/72 that a firm be retained to prepare a feasibility study of a parking lot at this location and Council had approved. City Mgr. renewed his recommendation that matter be deferred until such study was completed. Conderation of acquisition of property in vicinity of 81st -87th Sts. for creating scenic entrance to Miami Beach Deferred to Oct.4,1972 at request of Vice Mayor Goodman 9/6/72 9/20/72 PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 9 Meeting Date Brief appearance by Mr. S.A.Bennett re: real estate acquisitions. Reference made to offers made to City re: financing of park property on Pine Tree Dr. and Councilman Weinstein suggested they be reviewed by Mr. Bennett. He would be placed on 10/4/72 agenda for presentation and submittal of status report re: properties for municipal purposes. Morris Broad of the American Savings Bank offered to sell 6 lots on west side of Collins to City for municipal purposes. RES. 13775 adopted - City Atty. & Consultant to negotiate and condemn to acquire single family zoned properties. 10/4/72 9/25/72 PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY Councilman Weinstein requested the City Mgr. to explore possibility of Federal Assistance re: these properties. (81 St. -87 St.) 10/4/72 Res. No. 13769 adopted authorizing City Atty. institute condemnation proceedings to acquire Lots 1,2,3, Block 2, Palm Isl. for park and recreational Facilities. (Mr. S.Z.Bennett reported owners did not want to sell) Re: Consolo Property, Council directed Mr. S.Z.Bennett to proceed with negotiations with owners and report back to Council with recommendations including methods of financing. 10/4/72 City Mgr. directed to hire appraisers to get 10 Meeting Day 10/4/72