Ice Requirements_February 1962 to May 1964ICE REQUIREMENTS Book Page Bids for ice requirements considered. Mr. Lipp recommends City try ice machines at 4 locations. American Ice Co. (holder of present contract) proposes contract be divided. City Mgr. to look into this and report at next meeting. 2-7-62 44 367 Council again discusses award of ice contract. Motion to award contract for all ice to ice supplier carries. Machines not to be used. Contract awarded to American Ice Co., $7,402.20. 2-21-62 44 395 ICE REQUIREMENTS Purchase of one ice machine for City Shops, 430 Alton Rd. from Gray Products, quoting $1,595.00 approved. 2-6-63 45 322 Contract for rental of 3 ice machines for one year from date of award, awarded to F. H. MCDonald, low bidder, $2,106.00 as recommended by City Mgr. 2-6-63 45 322 Book Page Tabulation of bids re. ice requirements. City Mgr. recommends pruchase of 3 ice machines. Council approves purchase of 3 ice machines from Gray Products Corp. $7,779. 5-6-64 47 21 & 34