Proposed Purchase Of Property_October 1972PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY, 11 Meeting Date Consolo property value in accordancance with present zoning. 10/4/72 City Mgr. said he will approach land planners and real estate appraisers re: Consolo. 10/4/72 Re: 42nd St., Lots 1 & 2, Block 6, Mr. Bennett reported negotiations with owners had failed and City Atty. will proceed with condemnation proceedings as authorized 9/6/72. 10/4/72 Res. No. 13776 adopted directing City Atty. to proceed with condemnation proceedings. 10/4/72 Mr. Bennett advised that appraisals had not been completed on following properties and he would report on Oct. 18 meeting: Webster Property, PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 12 Meeting Date Bell Property, Shoreham -Norman property, Smith property, Flamingo Bay Sub. 10/4/72 Re: submission of reports on properties under consideration, Councilman Weinstein asked Mr. Bennett to furnish his recommendation for Council's action. 10/4/72 Mr. Bennett advised Council that re: method of handling real estate transactions and report40) to Council as to manner in which same are handled by County, and Councilman Greene suggested the City Atty that he obtain an opinion from Attorney General, as to method of handling same. 10/4/72 P;.OPOSE.D PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 12A Meeting Date Mr. Bennett that appriasals had not been completed re: Lots 5,6,7 Flamingo Bay Sub. (Pine Tree Drive). He would report on 10/18 meeting if possible. 10/4/72