Proposed Purchase Of Property_October to November 1972PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 13 Meeting Day Progress report on acquisitions, due to Mr. Bennett's being called out of City, could not 10/18/72 be presented. Report placed on 11/1 Council agenda. Mr. Bennett reported he was in process of acquiring right of way on East Side of West Ave. and re: bldgs. on E.S. between 6 & 11 Sts., in some instances sidewalks will be adjacent to bldg.11/1/72 He requested City not issue any permits for air conditioners in front yard setbacks of these properties to avoid any more costs or acquisition than necessary. 11/1/72 Councilman Greene proposed Planning and Zoning director and Administration work with PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 14 Meeting Date Metro to see if something can be done to provide some green area between the sidewalks and buildings involved. 11/1/72 RE: Lots 5,6,7 Flamingo Bay Sub., Mr. Bennett reported he had not contacted owners since appraisals are not complete. He pointed out possibility of what court may determine and recommended same appraisers who have rendered appraisals on single family zoning, also be asked to give appraisals on "highest and best use" so City would be protected in court. 11/1/72 Mr. Bennett was directed to obtain from 2 app- raisers amount of fee for making appraisal and report back to Council on 12/6. 11/1/72 PROPOSED PURCHASE or PROPERTY 15,,: Meeting. Date RE: Shoreham -Norman property (5 St.& Ocean Dr.) Mr. Bennett advised he had received appraisals on these properties and there was considerable spread between two appraisals. 11/1/72 Vice Mayor Goodman asked that Mr. Bennett furnish Mr. Wanick all of the figures so Council could be ready to act on 12/6. 11/1/72 Re: Bell property, Lts 7,8 and 9, Block 1, Amended Plat of 2nd Oceanfront property, Mr. Bennett reported two appraisals, $1,000,000 on one and $980,000 by the other. During discussion, Councilman Greene's motion that Mr. Bennett be authorized to negotiate with 11/1/72