Proposed Purchase Of Property_October 1973 to January 1974PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY Memo 4215 -Re: acquisition of Land O'Sun property, Mr. S. Z.Bennett, City's R.E. consultant authorized to proceed with negotiations for off-street parking use. Res. No. 73-14168 adopted, declaring acquisition of Lots 1 & 2, Block 7 and portion of Bridle Path (east of same) for completion of Civic - Convention Center Complex and new City Hall site to be a public necessity, and authorizing acquisition. (1809 Meridian Ave.) 22 Meeting Date 10/3/73 10/17/73 PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 23 Meeting Date Res. 73-14184 adopted, authorizing accept- ance of settlement offer and executing of agreement for purchase of Clinton Burbridge, Senior, property at $63,300. Res. 73-14185 adopted, authorizing acceptance for settlement offer and execution of agreement for purchase of Zuckerman -Vernon property for $239, 800. Res. 73-14213 adopted, authorizing acceptance of settlement agreement for purchase of property from Mrs. Olive Wofford. Owner to be in possess- ion until 2/15/74. Lot 5, Flamingo Bay Sub. E. of Pine Tree, No. of Arthur Godfrey,$253,000. 11/7/73 11/7/73 12/12/ 73 PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY 24 Meeting Date Res. 73-14214 authorizing settlement for property from Estate of Juda Diener., Lot 7, Flamingo Bay Sub. (E.of Pine Tree, No. of Arthur Godfrey) $216,700. 12/12/73 Res. 74-14236 adopted directing City Atty. to file condemnation proceedings to acquire Lots 7,8, 9, Block 1, Amended Plat Second Ocean Front Subdiv., for public purposes, and if verdict is in excess of $1.2 million, City abandon it. 1/2/74 Mr. Bennett was to report back at 1/16/74 meeting with best price owner would settle for. 1/2/74