Public Hearings_October 1975 to January 1976PUBLIC HEARINGS 2 (coned) Date of bonds. Hearing and second reading scheduled for Nov. 5, 1975. Requested by Councilman Spaet. 10/1/75 Mr. Paul Seiderman appeared and requested that 10/15/75 evening public hearings be held whenever Council is considering granting free use of this City's recreational facilities so that all may be heard. (not applicable to Conv. Center facilities). Coun- cil agreed and said that insofar as public hearings on other matters are concerned, evening public hearings would be at the discretion of City Council. Requiring public hearings before Council author- 11/5/75 izes validation of bonds (1st reading 10/1/75). Requested by Councilman Hal Spaet. Hearing PUBLIC HEARINGS (cont' d) continued to Nov. 19, 1975. City Atty. directed to review proposed ord. and in accordance with discussion at meeting, prepare appropriate amend- ment for consideration. 11/5/75 Ord. requiring public hearings before Council 11/19/75 authorizes validation of bonds (Public hearing continued from 11/5/75). Hearing continued to Dec. 10, 1975. City Atty. to prepare revised ord. in accordance with discussion, for presen- tation at 12/10/75 meeting. Status report on bond financing by City's Consultant, submitted and filed. 3 Date PUBLIC HEARINGS Hearing held and concluded re: ord. amending Chapt. 2 of the Code to provide for public hearings re: initial issuance, validation and/or sale of General Obligation and Revenue Bonds, (public hearing continued from 11/19/75). Ord. #75-2049 adopted. Requested hearing called for 1/21/76 at 3:30 pm. 12/17/75 to consider authorizing sale of General Obliga- tion Bonds already approved and validated in amount of $10.3 M. Memo #5445. Consideration of authorizing sale of General 1/21/76 Obligation Bonds already approved and validated, in amount of $10.3M. Public hearinq,continued 4 Date 12/10 /75