Publicity_April 1958 to February 1959PUBLICITY 77 Book Page FRAC recommends appropriation of $750. to help support Miss International Airline Stewardess Contest on May 30 - June 1, 1958. Council authorizes appropriation from Unallocated Publicity Funds. 4-16-58 40 1958-59 Publicity/budget adopted, amount $382,925.00 10-15-58 41 173 $5,000 appropriated for tennis matches in Orange Bowl celebration. (From Unclassified Account in 1957-58 Publicity Fund Budget A/c No. 926) 10-15-58 41 174 375 PUBLICITY 78 Book Page $6,000 appropriated from ucf for Police Chiefs convention Oct. 26 thru 31, 1958 , with unused portion of funds to be returned to City. 10-15-58 41 174 Mayor Oka asks that dept. heads be advised not to issue convention invitations without discussing same with City Mgr., Hank Meyer or Tom Smith 10-15-58 41 174 Mayor Oka and Mr. Lipp to discuss with Hank Meyer the suggestion that Publicity Dept. place ads in northern newspapers advising public about city limits of Miami Beach 2-4-59 41 383