Publicity_July 1961 to March 1962PUBLICITY 84 Book Page City Atty. discusses "Publicity.' No action taken. 7-5-61 44 127 Action deferred on proposed 1961-62 Publicity Budget as recommended by Public Relations Advisory Committee until Dec. 6, 1961. 11-15-61 44 286 1961-62 Publicity Budget adopted. 12-6-61 44 302 Payment of $50,000 authorized from Publicity Budget for pro rata share of County -wide advertising campaign for 1961-62 12-6-61 44 303 PUBLICITY 85 *10655 Book Page Resolution/authorizing agreement with Miss Universe Beauty Pageant, Inc. for holding of semi-final and final phases of contest in the City during period of July 6 to July 16, 1962 1 12-6-61 44 304 $2,667. appropriation authorized from Publicity Budget Promotion Funds, represent- ing 1/3 of total $8,000 cost of National Ladies PGA tournament scheduled for mid-April. 1-3-62 44 336 $1,500. authorized from Publici y,' motion Funds for City's contribution in "Millionth Population Observance" 1-3-62 44 336 PUBLICITY $6 Book Page $750. authorized from Publicity Account 981-D-15 to Edward Rubinoff for his participation in Wimbleton Invitational tennis tournament and European tour 3-7-62 44 405 $3,000 authorized from Publicity Funds (Account 981-D-15) for City's participation in the Florida Development Commission's Cooperative traveling exhibit 3-7-62 44 409 $150 appropriation authorized to defray expenses of bringing Larry Evans to Miami Beach for chess exhibitions. 3-21-62 44 466