Publicity_April 1962 to June 1963PUBLICITY 87 Book Page Clerk requested to forward communication fromCouncilman Richard, re. chess exhibition to be given by Larry Evans, to Hank Meyer so that ample publicity could be given. 4-4-62 44 466 Discussion re. stimulation of business thru more publicity and advertising. lt Noyaction taken. 10-3-62 45 124 Pul %ity Budget to be made ready for next meeting. 10-3-62 45 124 Res. #10858 authorizing agreement for holding of 1963 Miss Universe Pageant in Miami Beach, July 10-23, 1963. 11-21=62 45 2; PUBLICITY 88 Book Page 1962-63 Publicity Budget presented and approved. 11-21-62 45 201 $1,000 allocated from Special Events Account 983.14 for prizes for Junior Golf Tournament 11-21-62 45 194 $500.00 allocated front Publicity Funds for Jerry Moss expenses - tennis tour throughout U. S. this summer 4-17-63 45 410 Transfer of $4,000 from Publicity Budget .ccount (Special Events 983.14) to (Advertising 983.3) which would be used Eor newspaper advs. etc. approved. 5-15-61 a5 447 PUBLICITY City Mgr. advises that expenditure of $6,000 to $7,000 was required and was available in Publicity Budget in connection with televising the "hick Clark American Bandstand Show" im Miami Beach June 12 and 13, 1963. City Mgr. requested to advise Hank Meyer that Council was favorable to allocation of funds for such purpose. 89 Book Page 6-5-63 45 483 City Mgr. advises Council that City of M.B. was participating in International Information Center at Internat l Airport jointly with Metro and City of Miami offering literature to arriving visitors. 6-5-63 45 483