Publicity_January to August 1966PUBLICITY 102
Book Page
$1,000 appropriation authorized
for 20th Annual Shrine College All-Star
Football Game, 12/25/6:, at Orange
Bowl, as recommended by PRAC. Meeting to
held with Hank Meyer. 1-5-66 50 26
Council defers approval of PRAC recommendation
for producing the International Fashion
Festival in M. B. in 1966.
1-5-66 50 26
Council again considersPRAC recommendation
re. International Fashion Festival. Hank
Meyer comments. Funds appropriated.
1-13-66 50 34
Res. 411729 adopted authorizing exec -
Book Page
ution of agreement with International Fashion
Festival for staging and producing
of the "International Fashion Festival"
in the City of M. B. during period of
May 4 to May 7, 1966.
2-2-66 50 81
Kle-ri iO" A
Taxpayers Assoc. proposes Charter amendment
to eliminate publicity millage limitations
8-3-66 50 446
Council approves motion that proposal
to amend Charter to eliminate one mill
publicity tax be placed on Nov. ballot.
8-3-66 50 459
Book Page
Commun. from PRAC recommending
City's participation in Culinary
Arts Show at Aud. & Conv. Hall
10/29 thru 11/5/66 - Council
approves. Funds allocated from
Unallocated Publicity Funds.
3-16-66 50 185